
Roberta Bonzano


Bilateral Meetings

  • 02:00 pm - 06:30 pm
DescriptionWe are puffed cakes producer. Only organic only gluten free
Organization Type SMEs
Organization Size11-25
Founding Year2002
Areas of Activities

Agro-food manufacturing

    Business Request

    Distributor Requested

    We are looking for importers/distributors for our own product line: Oryza cakes.
    All our products are gluten free, organic and cultivated and produced in Italy.
    We have a full line of products, with different shapes, packaging and of course taste!

    Keywords: gluten freeorganicricecornOryzapuffed cakerice cakecorn cakecereals
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Manufacturing agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Sales / Distribution
    Business Offer

    Organic and Gluten Free Puffed Cakes

    Oryza's experts can design and produce the ideal products for your needs.
    Our puffed cakes, all with gluten free cereals, are developed starting from the best raw materials. We only choose Italian rice and corn, GMO free.
    We work with: amaranth, millet, quinoa, buckwheats, seeds in generals. All gluten free raw materials.
    With different shapes and packaging, you will be able to choose your very own product, with your own brand, or with Oryza brand.

    Keywords: cakespuffed cakesricecorncerealsquinoaamaranthmilletrisotto rice
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Manufacturing agreement
    Cooperation Requested
    1. Manufacturing agreement
    2. Sales / Distribution