Bilateral Meetings
- 02:00 pm - 06:30 pm
Company Duol designs, manufactures and installs some of the most unique and versatile fabric structures in the world. With more than 1200 references all over the world, Duol is one of the leading global supplier of air-supported structures. INNOVATIONS IN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR: In recent years, company mainly focused on new trends in agricultural sector, which was demanding for new, versatile and cost-effective types of structures. Company DUOL developed innovative solutions in agricultural sector, based on air supported structures: • AgroDome: Innovative air-supported structure for storing crops • GeenDome: Innovative air-supported greenhouse which revolutionizing the way to grow
Partner interested in buying our innovative structures or who can link us with appropriate clients
1) Partner/company who can distribute/offer our innovative structures (for storing crops / innovative greenhouse) in his country
2) Company which is demanding for innovative type of structures (for storing crops / innovative greenhouse) for their needs
3) Companies involved in crops storing or involved in plant cultivation
4) ...
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution
- Investment/Financing
- Other
- Technical co-operation
- License agreement
- Sales / Distribution
- Other
Innovative greenhouses
Duol developed innovative GreenDome - Wind & Sun optimized greenhouse which provide Optimal Growing Conditions, while Protecting from Insects and Reducing Water Usage, all at a Fraction of the Cost of traditional framed greenhouse structures.
- Innovation: Wind& Sun optimized greenhouse system
- Optimal air flow maximizes photosynthesis, while minimizes fungal disease pressure
- BIO Growing - protecting from insects. Planting without expensive insecticides, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides
- Higher quality fruits and vegetables with more vitamins and minerals
- Reducing water usage
- More productivity and less costs for the investor
- Year-round growing
- Cover large areas at the fraction of cost of traditional systems
- Sustainable, local food production, reduced transportation costs and promotes more stable local economies and societies
- Other
- Investment/Financing
- Sales / Distribution
- Manufacturing agreement
- License agreement
- Technical co-operation
- Outsourcing co-operation
- Other
- Sales / Distribution
- License agreement
- Technical co-operation
Innovative warehouse for storing crops
Duol developed Innovative warehouse for storing crops (based on air-supported structures principle)
Main advantages over tradiotional structures:
- Flexible installation depends on seasonal expectations.
- Easy to load on truck (Compact size): Low volume, Low weight
- Fast assembly time
- Possible to anchor on very different ground types
- Lightweight foundations
- Suitable for any climate, Extreme weather proof
- Low initial investment
- Great economic indicators. High investment return through product lifespan
- Turn-key installation available