Spirit Slovenia Bojan Škoda Slovenia, Ljubljana
Duol Dušan Olaj Slovenia, 1351 Brezovica
- Business Request Partner interested in buying our innovative structures or who can link us with appropriate clients
- Technological Offer Innovative greenhouses
- Technological Offer Innovative warehouse for storing crops
SPIRIT Slovenija, Public Agency Tina Lukan Slovenia, Ljubljana
- Business Offer Tailor made services
IPRC, Consulting and Intellectual Property Management, ltd. Tadej Černivec Slovenia, Ljubljana
- Business Offer Protect your Intellectual Property in EU
Bilateral Talks
- Participants160
- Meetings Requested637
- Meetings Accepted175
Bangladesh 1
Belgium 7
Czech Republic 1
France 4
Ghana 2
Hungary 1
Italy 132
Japan 49
Malaysia 1
Mexico 1
Netherlands 1
Poland 7
Slovenia 4
Spain 1
Switzerland 2
United Kingdom 2
- Total of Participants216
Profile views
- Before Event12056
- After Event554220